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Can I update my shipping address?

Yes, as long as your order hasn't shipped. Email your updated address to info@kingunderground.com

Where do you ship from?

We ship from both our UK and US warehouses

As of 30/11/23 all orders under 150 shipping from the UK into
Europe will ship tarrif free.

Do you have a returns policy?

Any product or parts of products that arrive damaged can be exchanged for an undamaged copy or a refund within 30 days delivery.

Please take a photo or video of the defective item or items and email it to info@kingunderground.com, please include a list of all damaged parts.

Please include:

• Full name

• Address (including post/zip code)

• Order number 

Our customer service team will then get in contact.

If you are returning a product, we will withhold reimbursement until we have confirmation the goods have been returned or until you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods via special/tracked service, whichever is earlier.

When will my order arrive

  • Vinyl, CDs and Tapes will be shipped within 3 days after placing your order.
  • Merchandise can take up from 5 to 8 working days
  • UK Customers - please allow up to 7 working days 
  • EU / International Customers -  Please allow up to 14 working days 
  • If you have paid for tracked delivery, your tracking number should be included on your order confirmation email. If you are unable to find it, please contact info@kingunderground.com for your tracking number

My order hasn't arrived, what do I do now?

If you have not received your order by the time frames above, please contact us for an update info@kingunderground.com